The Nebraska State Bar Association's Volunteer Lawyers Project

The Volunteer Lawyers Project is a statewide volunteer legal services project and referral network founded on the belief that all citizens should have access to the legal system, regardless of ability to pay. Established in 1983 as a project of the Nebraska State Bar Association, the project seeks to match low-income individuals who face civil legal problems with attorneys who are willing to provide legal assistance on a pro bono, reduced fee, contingency fee, or full fee basis. Any attorney who is an active member of the Nebraska State Bar Association may participate in the program. Any individual with a civil legal issue may apply for assistance from the Volunteer Lawyers Project. The program is not able to assist with any criminal matters, including misdemeanors and traffic violations. Because there are usually more requests for assistance than there are attorneys to accept cases, issues are ranked by priority, with the most urgent needs receiving attention first.