Get Involved

Be The Change, Get Involved!

Empower Nebraska’s Latino Community: Volunteer, Intern, and Donate Today

We extend an open invitation to be a valued neighbor and collaborator. Here, we embrace the spirit of unity and cooperation, inviting you to join hands with the Nebraska Commission on Latino Americans in our shared mission. Whether you're driven by a desire to uplift voices, foster change, or simply lend a helping hand, there's a place for you here. Explore the many avenues available to make a meaningful impact: become an intern or volunteer on our projects to advance our mission, or consider becoming a donor. Your support ensures we can continue our efforts toward a more inclusive Nebraska for all. We are profoundly grateful for any type of help or contribution, as every gesture brings us closer to our vision of a brighter future together.

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Join the Movement: Contributing to Positive Change in Nebraska

Meaningful Ways to Empower Nebraska’s Latino Population. Explore diverse opportunities to get involved, volunteer, intern, or donate, and become an active part of the movement to foster positive impact and uplift our vibrant community.


Discover our comprehensive health services, dedicated to promoting well-being.


We strive to increase awareness and access to educational opportunities and services across Nebraska.


We offer legal aid assistance to support and continue empowering the Latino community.