About Us

Advocacy in Action

Exploring Our Journey and Values

The Commission on Latino-Americans serves as a link between the Nebraska State Government and the Hispanic/Latino community. We assist our constituents through empowerment and referrals. Our office is located in the Nebraska State Capitol. This gives us the opportunity to be close to where the laws are being made. We are able to develop relationships with state lawmakers and can easily testify in favor of, or in opposition to, bills that would directly impact the Hispanic/Latino community.

The Commission joins forces with other organizations to identify, and work to resolve, issues that affect Nebraska’s Hispanic/Latino population. We support and promote annual events with many of these organizations to encourage education and inspire Hispanic/Latino youth.


photo educating

Our Mission

Our Mission is to serve as a link between the Nebraska State Government and the Hispanic/Latino Community.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to empower the Hispanic/Latino Community through a proactive approach to issues that affect their access to education, social political, and economic opportunities in Nebraska.


81-8,262. Commission on Latino-Americans; created; term, defined.

There is hereby created the Commission on Latino-Americans. For purposes of sections 81-8,262 to 81-8,271.01, commission means the Commission on Latino-Americans. Source:Laws 1972, LB 1081, § 1; Laws 2010, LB139, § 1. Effective Date: July 15, 2010


81-8,265. Commission; functions. The functions of the commission shall be to:

(1) Gather and disseminate information and conduct hearings, conferences, and special studies on problems and programs concerning Latino-Americans;

(2) Serve the needs of Latino-Americans, especially in the fields of education, employment, health, housing, welfare, and recreation by offering such services as it may establish for the translation of documents and for the direct assistance of clients, exclusive of legal representation, in matters relating to any federal department or agency or any department or agency of the state or a political subdivision thereof;

(3) Develop, coordinate, and assist public and private organizations and coordinate and assist the efforts of state departments and agencies to serve the needs of Latino-Americans;

(4) Propose new programs concerning Latino-Americans;

(5) Evaluate existing programs and proposed legislation concerning Latino-Americans;

(6) Stimulate public awareness of the problems of Latino-Americans by conducting a program of public education and encourage the Governor and the Legislature to develop programs to deal with these problems; and

(7) Conduct training programs for community leadership and service project staff. Source:Laws 1972, LB 1081, § 4; Laws 1983, LB 83, § 1; Laws 2010, LB139, § 2.

Effective Date: July 15, 2010.